West Yorkshire

This school in West Yorkshire have replaced old covers to allow for optimum heating whilst still maintaining ‘child-proof’ guards. This project was split into three phases, in the school’s sports hall, in classrooms and toilet areas.

They optimised their heating for a sleeker design that was not only for the children but for the staff too.

Their new radiator guards transformed their worn-out looking class radiators and created a more aesthetically pleasing look and feel.

Due to this project being in a school, cleaning and maintenance were considered important.

Taking this into account, access to cleaning and maintenance was key. Covers were wall-mounted so the cleaners could clean underneath.

The brief was for radiators to have a robust cover to stop children from pushing items through into the covers.

Overall, the school wanted hygienic radiator covers that were secure and were strong enough to last.

School In West Yorkshire-1
School In West Yorkshire
School In West Yorkshire
School In West Yorkshire
School In West Yorkshire
School In West Yorkshire

The Challenges

Sports halls are generally cold environments with high ceilings, with this in mind, the school faced challenges with heat loss and wanted to search for a heating solution that provided high levels of heat.

In some areas of this sports hall, space was limited, which caused concerns over how they can maintain the space to produce adequate heating solutions.

Within the classrooms, previous radiators had an old, one-pipe cast iron radiator system.

These were placed under concrete windowsills and it was proven impossible to get around these windowsills because the radiators wanted to be placed out of the children’s way.

Maintaining a hygienic environment is essential for preventing and controlling the spread of infection in schools. Especially important for children who may not understand the significance of hygiene.

Within classrooms, there was a need for access for cleaning and maintenance so a drop-down radiator guard would be beneficial to meet these needs.

For toilet areas, the nature of the environment was considered as a challenge. These areas are often moist and therefore, metals are more prone to rusting.

All heating solutions needed to have pencil proof grilles to minimise the risk of small items - like pencils and crayons - being pushed through radiators or into radiator covers. This would ultimately cause an issue for cleaning and heat outputs.

Large grilles not only result in heat loss, but they can cause a hazardous risk because children can trap their fingers. This highlighted the importance of pencil proof grilles.

Overall, the school needed a heating solution that will be durable and long-lasting so they wouldn’t need to replace it often.

The Solutions

Within the sports hall, a 10-metre-long cover was installed with 4 triple panel radiators underneath. Where space was limited, vertical radiators were supplied that were going up from a wall in the sports hall.

In these spaces, it can be challenging to find the right amount of wall space to provide adequate heating. This is where vertical LST radiators can be a huge benefit.

Having a radiator that uses the height of the wall rather than the width means that less space is lost to the LST radiator leaving more room for further appliances or to get out of children’s way.


The classrooms posed its distinctive challenges with windowsills. The school replaced their old cast iron radiators with triple thin radiators that were made bespoke to fit each unique space.

To enhance cleaning and maintenance, covers were made to drop down so the school can thoroughly clean radiators.

For ultimate hygiene, BioCote® was introduced at the production stage, to offer protection against various microbes such as bacteria, mould and some viruses. Which is essential in school environments to keep all children safe.

Working with cleaning regimes and hand hygiene, it delivers essential hygiene protection to minimise the bacteria that can gather in air conditioning units.

To overcome the challenges the school faced within the toilets, magnelis steel was used to provide additional durability and corrosion resistance. Magnelis is an organic coating which stops metal from rusting to promote longevity.



The bespoke radiator covers Contour fitted delivered a hygienic, safe, and a practical heating solution for this school in West Yorkshire. Vertical radiators meant that space was optimised, and heating was at optimum levels.

Cleaning and maintenance were made achievable with covers that dropped down and pencil proof grilles were put in place, so small items were not trapped, and the risk of injuries was reduced.

Overall, Contour helped transform the overall look of the school’s sports hall, classrooms, and bathrooms and ensured the school had a long-lasting heating solution.

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