LST Radiator And Radiator Cover News

Why You Should Consider Coloured Radiators For Your Care Home

Written by Dawn | 04 December 2019 14:31:24 Z

If you’re planning a re-design or upgrade of your care & nursing home, a decision will be made regarding the colour design of the interior.

With Contour, you can apply your colour choices to our LST and Anti-Ligature radiators and covers, with wide variety of options. 

In this post, we’ll aim to highlight the importance of colour choice and design in a care and nursing environment for both the mental-and in some cases-physical wellbeing of your residents.


The Impact Of Colour In Care & Nursing

Healthcare professionals often observe the impact that colour has on the people in their care. It’s widely acknowledged that colour has the potential to change spaces into stimulating environments in an otherwise monotonous space.

For people with dementia, colour choice may even aid with navigation and orientation of their environment.

Providing stimulation to those receiving long-term healthcare is crucial, since the bedroom, corridor and day room may well be the only ‘journey’ that those residents make.


Why Does A Pleasant Environment Matter?

Since care and nursing homes are likely to become the resident’s home for the rest of their lives, provision of a pleasant environment that promotes well-being is highly important. 

We’re all aware that people in these situations spend prolonged periods of time in confined spaces, so the design choices you make are, arguably, of equal importance to the care resources that you provide.


The Role Of The Architect

Care and nursing homes are generally private institutions, so an architect will develop a brief and specification, and then prepare a suitable scheme.

At this stage, it’s important that the architect specifies for quality and innovation, as opposed to cheapness and practicality. To learn more about the safety benefits of LST radiators in care and nursing homes, click here.



Why Is Design Particularly Important in Care & Nursing?

As previously mentioned, residents often endure prolonged periods of inactivity in the same room, on the same chair, when they’re not receiving longer periods of personal care from nurses and therapists.

A lack of distraction like this means that residents are likely to be more sensitive and articulate about their architectural surroundings, suggesting that a careful colour design could positively impact user’s well-being, and in some cases, their recovery.


Why Colour Matters

Achieving a welcoming environment throughout your building that’s friendly and positive for users, visitors and staff can boost morale. This is something that can be achieved through careful colour consideration.

When skilfully used, colour can overcome the sensory deprivation caused from lack of stimulation-a key issue in all care and nursing environments.

Depending on residents’ individual circumstances, they may have experienced recent emotional upheaval-particularly if they are new to this environment-meaning that they may me more receptive to the emotional stimuli of colour and lighting.

With that in mind, it’s important that the usage of colour should be applied carefully, as over-use of certain colours may have an undesirable effect.


Read More:


What Colour Should You Choose?

You can have warm colours; cool colours; happy colours; sad colours; colours to evoke sadness; colours to evoke creativity. You can read a detailed evaluation of all of these colours, here.

The type of colour you choose will depend on the use of space. You may want to evoke different emotions based on the activity that you’re intending to carry out.

With Contour, you get options. It’s clear to see the impact that a welcoming environment has on a care home, and this should also include the design choice of your radiator or guard. To discuss colour choices with one of our experts, get in touch today.



About Us

Contour produces a range of innovative, safe surface temperature systems for healthcare, education, mental health, commercial and secure sectors, working in close partnership and collaborating with architects, M&E engineers, NHS Trusts, local authorities, design consultants and contractors to deliver outstanding safe heating solutions.

Contour is the exclusive partner of BioCote® anti-microbial technology for LST and anti-ligature radiators.  BioCote® additives reduce bacteria by up to 99.9%. Contour combines an extensive range of colour-paints is with BioCote® for a durable, high-quality finish.

Contour’s heating solutions offer secure, single-person quick access to radiator guard interiors for regular deep cleaning and maintenance.  Each year, Contour save the NHS millions of pounds in cleaning costs, therefore delivering.